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Wade Girard

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Case Study: Mustangs at the Island

If you are a fan of Ford Mustangs, the Mustangs at the Island car show is a Must attend show. The 3-day annual show is held at Treasure Island Casino just south of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and attracts around 300 Mustangs from every era of the cars production. The show schedule includes a driving experience with Gary Curtis, a cruise, poker run, movie night, and many other activities to keep the participants active all weekend long.

The club that hosts the show, The Lake Country Mustang Club, uses the Middletwin suite for managing membership, and used the Middletwin car show software to manage the car show.

They started by setting up the show in Middletwin, with the dates and show description. Since all the cars would be Ford Mustangs, setting up makes and models was easy, however if they had more, it would not have been difficult to setup. And with Middletwin you can even let the participant manually enter their make and model rather than defining a list to choose from.

Since the car show portion of the event is held in the casino parking lot, the club decided to set sections of the parking lot up as classes in Middletwin and created “placeholder” registrations for all available spaces in the parking lot. Then, when a car would arrive and be parked, the car would be entered into the placeholder registration.

Onsite, doing the car show, Middletwin provided 3 chromebooks for volunteers to use to enter in participant details as they arrived, and a printer to print out voting results. Voting was open from 12:30 to 2:30 on Saturday and the show used Middletwin’s new mobile voting, providing one time use QR codes to all participants. This allowed the vote to be entered by the participants, and allowed the show to be able to be able to print out the voting results at 2:30, the moment voting closed.

Simple and flexible setup along with mobile voting really took away the stress from the club volunteers when it came to the car show management, and ran smoother than it ever had in past years.

Find out how Middletwin can help your car club, sign up for a demo today


Case Study: Power on Tower Muscle Car Show

The Power on Tower Muscle car show is an all makes and models charity car show in Superior Wisconsin and is hosted at the Benna Ford car dealership on Tower avenue and run by the Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club.

The annual car show was held on August 20 2024 (originally planned for August 15th but changed due to weather). Participants were encouraged to pre-register by the Benna Ford dealership and the Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club through online posts that included a QR code that took participants directly to the pre-registration page. Pre-registration was low due to the car shows date change.

The show was setup with a total of 18 classes based on car year and weather it was modified or not.

On the day of the show a total of 106 cars showed up and registered for the car show. The show was held from 5-7:30 and all car registrations were entered in manually by volunteers using 3 computers, and custom dash cards were printed out for each participant by a volunteer immediately after the participants were entered into the system.

Participant voting was handled using Middletwins new mobile voting process. This worked extremely well even with participants who initially considered themselves to not be technically savvy enough to figure it out. Because of how well this worked, only 6 ballots had to be manually entered, and when 7:30 came the Twin Ports Mustang and Fords club was able to print out the voting results. It only took a few minutes to add in special awards and the awards ceremony started right away.

Because this is a charity car show the Benna Ford dealership and the Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club were able to raise, and match, a very generous donation for the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund in Douglas County and the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans in St. Louis County.

Find out how Middletwin can help your car club, sign up for a demo today


Case Study: Midwest Mopars in the Park

The Midwest Mopars in the Park car show is one of the top national all Mopar car shows in the nation, with an average of 1200 show cars and 7500 spectators over a 3 day weekend, it draws cars and spectators from all across the nation and Canada.

The show is run by a twin cities based car club called Midwest Mopars. The Midwest Mopars club started back in 1984 and currently has around 450 members. The club utilizes Middletwin for member management (sign up and renewal), newsletter distributions and other club emails, the member portal for member engagement and the activities calendar, and managing their 2 annual events, Midwest Mopars in the Park car show and the winter banquet ticket sales.

For the Midwest Mopars in the Park car show they have roughly 50 different classes for cars at the show, all of which is configured in Middletwin. They are able to setup pre-registration for the show and configure Middletwin so that members can get a special member only discount when they pre-register after logging into the member portal. Pre-registration typically begins in January and by the time the club ends pre-registering cars (mid May) the club will have anywhere from 500-600 cars already entered into the system. And all the data was entered by the participants, improving data accuracy. Pre-registrants also use credit card when signing up, so there were no checks to deposit, the funds are automatically deposited into the clubs account without any intervention.

All the dashcards for the pre-registered cars are printed using Middletwin ahead of time. Middletwin can be customized to create beautiful dash cards, with all the members data printed from the computer, not hand written, making them much easier to read for all.

Midwest Mopars also uses Middletwin to sell digital/mobile tickets online to the show before the show opens, as a discount. The passes are scanned at the spectator entrance and can only be used one time.

During the show another 500-600 cars will come that were not pre-registered. These cars are entered into Middletwin during the show by volunteers using 3 chrome book computers. The dashcards for these day of show participants are handwritten to simply speed up the sign up process.

Participants are given a ballot and asked to choose their favorite cars in each of the 50 classes. Ballots are due on the last day of the show. These ballots have all 50 classes listed out and a line next to each class for the participant to write in the registration number for the car they are voting for. Prior to Middletwin this data was manually tabulated using grids and tick marks on large pieces of cardboard and the process typically took over 3 hours. With Middletwin all this data can be keyed in by volunteers within 20-30 minutes using the same 3 chrome books that were used for day of show registration data entry.

As of this writing, Middletwin has added a new feature to allow the participants to vote using their smartphones, the process is very easy and had already been extremely successful at other car shows by other Middletwin customers.

After all the votes are in, and voting is closed, access to the results is simply a click away. The results are printed out on a standard printer and display the top 10 cars for each class, ordered by vote count, with the name and car information for the participants. Then it is simply up to the show staff to separate out any special awards from the vote counts and they are ready for awards.

From the pre-registration process to the ballot counting Middletwin has really streamlined the Midwest Mopars in the Park national car show, helped to reduce stress for the show staff, and improved the experience for all the participants and club members.

Find out how Middletwin can help your car club, sign up for a demo today


Run car shows smoothly using Middletwin

On August 20th the Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club, along with the Benna Ford car dealership in Superior Wisconsin, hosted the Power on Tower car show. This was a one day car show from 5 – 7:30pm. The Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club made the decision to use Middletwin for managing their membership and events, and this was their first event that they ran using Middletwin.

Setting up the event in Middletwin was simple, there were 18 classes that needed to be created, pre-registration was setup with a few clicks, and then just setting up dates, details, and uploading the images. We also helped with setting up a nice response email template, so everyone who pre-registered for the show would get an email confirming their registration.

Next came a date change, a few days before the original scheduled show date of August 15th the weather predictions showed severe storms would be in the area on the 15th, so the decision was made to move the event to the 20th. For the Middletwin system, this just meant changing the dates in the shows setup, and creating a nice email template and sending the email to those who had already pre-registered, informing them of the date change.

On the day of the event, Wade Girard, owner and creator of Middletwin traveled to Superior and brought 3 Chromebooks with full size keyboards and mice, as well as a printer to use to print dashcards for the cars as they registered. The Chromebooks were used for volunteers to manually enter in each participant’s registration, and after they were entered a dashboard would be printed for them to put in their car. There were about a dozen cars pre-registered and 106 cars total at the show, so around 95 cars were manually input into Middletwin during the show. One way to encourage pre-registration is to raise the day of show registration cast by $5, motivating participants to save $5 by registering ahead.

As a side note, If your club uses Middletwin and Wade is available, Wade would come to your event, with equipment, and help setup and train volunteers on how to use Middletwin live, at your event. Just ask.

Next came balloting/voting. The club decided to use the new mobile balloting feature within Middletwin. The way it works as that the club can create one time use ballots within Middletwin (see Digital Voting Made easy) and hand them out to each participant. The club also had some manual ballots as a backup in case anyone did not have a smartphone or was having issues using the ballot. At last years show, tallying 100+ ballots at the end of the show took the longest, and participants are stuck waiting around to find out who won in the various classes, however this year was much different. Using the mobile ballots the votes were captured immediately, in fact the club was able to go into the system and see the results of the ballots being captured in real time. About 6 hand written ballots were turned in, that’s 6 out of 106, and with Middletwin they were entered in manually, taking only about 3 minutes, then the results were printed out in a nice easy to understand format, allowing the club and dealership to know the winners within a few minutes, not hours.

With Middletwin, the results are presented by class, showing the top 10 cars to receive votes, ordered by vote count, and the car details and names of the participants all in the results. This allowed the awards to be handed out easily, knowing who got each award as opposed to just announcing a number, and the show was all wrapped up within a half hour.

This was a charity car show, and 100% of the proceeds, as well as some matching funds, went to the Soldiers and Sailors relief fund in Douglas County and the MN Assistance Council for Veterans in St. Louis County. Middletwin is very proud of our veterans and happy to have had the opportunity to be at this show with the Twin Ports Mustang and Ford club and Benna Ford to raise money for our veterans.

Setup a time for a demo and see why Middletwin is the right fit for your car club.


Digital voting made easy

Sample Ballot
Sample Ballot

With Middletwin’s new online balloting system, your event participants and other voters can vote on their favorite cars using their own iPhone or Android mobile devices. Middletwin allows you to generate as many one time use ballots that you need for your event, print them out using a standard printer, and all you need to do is distribute them.

You set the time that voting begins and ends, so voters will not be able to submit votes too early or after you have closed voting, allowing you to ensure accurate results.

Even with the online participant voting, you will still be able to manually enter in votes as well, this allows you to handle any situations where network connectivity or any other unforeseen issues might arise.

Other solutions might offer this as an additional feature for hundreds extra, but with Middletwin it is included as a part of the suite. No additional cost.

Setup a time for a demo and see why Middletwin is the right fit for your car club.


It takes a team

It takes months of planning and preparation to put on an amazing car show, we know because we have been doing it for years. When finding people to help it can be difficult to find helpers who know what they are doing and will contribute to the hard work needed, and this is where Middletwin can help. Add us to your list of helpers because we are here to help, you will get technical expertise, advice on how to manage operations, and guidance on what to do and what not to do. Does our competition offer this?

You don’t need to look any further than Middletwin to find a partner for your car club and car shows.

To learn more go to today and sign up for a demo or a free trail account today.


Event Registration Frustration?

Do you get frustrated or stressed out at the thought of managing registration for your events? Do your participants get frustrated or stressed out when they are registering for your events? If so, Middletwin can help.

With Middletwin we have simplified the registration process to make it easier for everyone. You can setup online pre-registration, allowing your participants to signup online using a credit or debit card. The participant will get an email with their details, and you will get an email letting you know that someone has registered. No more spreadsheets or databases, no more depositing checks and having to deal with bounced checks, no more trying to read bad handwriting on forms or dealing with participants claiming they mailed in their registration weeks ago.

Setup a time today to see a demo of Middletwin, let us be your partner and take the frustration out of managing event registrations.


Midwest Mopars in the Park knocks it out of the Park again using Middletwin

Midwest Mopars in the Park is one of the top 3 all Mopar shows in the nation and according to Mopar Collectors Guide one of the “Must go to” shows for all Mopar enthusiasts. The 40th anniversary show in 2024 was no exception, with 1200 show cars and specialty displays that included nearly every color of 1971 Cuda, an A12 reunion, and 15 if the rare and unique A100 pick trucks and vans, we can see why.

But behind all of the amazing cars the Midwest Mopars car club, a nearly 500 member club based out of Minnesota, relies heavily on the Middletwin platform to help make the show come together and run as smooth as possible.

With Middletwin, the club can setup the shows details like car classes, online pre-registration, volunteer signup and management, and swap space management. Also, because Middletwin is a proven cloud based SAAS platform, multiple club and show managers are able to access the same data at the same time in realtime, reducing the need to email around documents.

With online pre-registration, participants can register online using a credit card, reducing the need to have participants write out their information and mail a check, and saving club volunteers from having to try to read poor handwriting and go to the bank to deposit checks – that sometimes bounce! This makes the process very easy, and with the low (currently 2.9%) processing fee, is a win for everyone.

Show staff are able to setup volunteers and schedules online to meet their needs. Any open shifts can be made available for members or public to see and signup for online.

With the built in communication tools staff can easily create and send beautiful emails to participants of the show to inform them of any changes to the show, like road construction or schedule changes.

The Middletwin team is proud to have been the technology behind the Mopars in the Park car show for the last 12 years and we look forward to continuing to grow and be a part of the Midwest Mopars car clubs solutions in the future.

For more information you can go to and sign up for a demo or a free 30 day trial account. Email if you have any questions.


Middletwin uses Sendgrid

Today Middletwin is excited to announce that we switched from our previous email provider to Twilio’s SendGrid. SendGrid’s email platform offers Middletwin’s customers a reliable and scalable email infrastructure. Email is complex, but with SendGrid, our customers are set up for success with proven results of 97% delivery rates (12% over the industry average) and a 6% increase in open rates, according to SendGrid.

Middletwin is an industry leading platform for groups to use to manage their membership, events, and communications. Our platform gives our customers the tools they need to effectively manage all aspects of their groups, and group members get a dedicated portal that allows them to interact with their group.

For more info, check out and sign up for a demo or for a free 30-day trial.


13 Years of Mopars in the Park

This year marks the 13th year that the Middletwin platform has been the platform of choice for the Midwest Mopars car club. The Middletwin platform has grown every year to accommodate this national car show with managing the 100s of registrations, the voting, the payment processing using Stripe, communication, and more.

Find out how Middletwin can help your group get to the next level and serve your members in a whole new way. Sign up for a demo today using this link

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