The Midwest Mopars in the Park car show is a national car show and swap meet that is organized by the Midwest Mopars car club. The show always takes place in Minnesota on the weekend after memorial day, and is currently located at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Stillwater. The event is estimated to be at least the third largest all Mopar show and swap meet in the United States.
Cars at the show are organized by classes. There are approximately 50 different classes for cars based on year, body style, customizations, and a number of other factors. The owner of each car that registers for the show is given a ballot and is asked to go through the show and vote for their favorite car in each class. These votes are then tallied on Sunday and used to determine class winners.
Cars can pre-register for the show beginning in January of the shows year. This year the shows organizers decided to have all car pre-registrations performed online only, eliminating mail in registrations. This decision was made to help streamline the process for the show staff, improve the accuracy of the data, and was also based on the ease of how the process works due to the online registration process that the Middletwin platform offers.
Car Numbering
When cars register a car number is automatically assigned to the car based on the class the car is in. The class and number can easily be changed if it is determined that a car is not in the correct class.
Dash Cards
After pre-registration is complete, the staff can easily print out nice, easy to read dash cards for the cars. They can be printed by the staff using their own printers at home, or the data can easily be exported and sent to a printer to have them printed.
Participant Registration During Event
During the event participants who did not pre-register can easily register at the event. Their information can be entered in by staff, this process is streamlined by allowing staff to search previous events for the participants information as many participants have attended prior events.
Ballots are required to be turned in by 11:00 on the last day of the event. At anytime during the event staff can begin entering in votes into the Middletwin system. Entering in a complete ballot only takes a minute or so to complete due to the ease of use with which the Middletwin system provides.
Vote Results
After all the ballots have been entered event staff can easily get a printable list of the results with the click of one button. The list shows the top ten cars, by vote, in each class and shows the number of votes the top 10 cars received. Weighted averages are also provided to assist with analysis of the results.
The awards process is streamlines by having a printout of the results that includes the car information and the owners name, so staff don’t have to just say a car number. It really adds a nice personal touch with very little effort by the event staff.
The Mobile App
In addition to all this, Middletwin provided a mobile app, new for 2023, that event spectators and participants could download to their iphone or android devices to view the shows schedule, maps, vendors, and food options.
Future Events
With the Middletwin platform, planning for next years event is made easy because they can create the event in the Middletwin platform by copying the previous years event, really reducing the amount of configuration down to just making minor changes.
The Money
Because of the online pre-registration the event staff did not need to deal with checks in the mail, bad checks, or running to the bank. The event took in approximately $10,000 before the event began and it was all automatically processed and deposited directly to the clubs bank account. And within the Middletwin platform staff can easily see each of the transactions and have a dashboard with totals.
The Middletwin platform has a built in email builder and campaign tool, similar to other third party solutions. With these tools the staff for the car show were able to create and send an email a few days before the event to to nearly 500 pre-registered participants to inform them of what to expect when they arrive at the event, and how to streamline their entry. And then after the show the organizers were able to send a thank you email to all the participants. It only took a few minutes of time to create and send hundreds of emails, yet made a big impact.
In summary, what makes Midwest Mopars in the Park a great event year after year is the amazing people that host the event, the amazing volunteers that help make the event happen, the fantastic participants who continue to bring their cars every year, and the tools that Middletwin provides to help streamline many of the processes that go on behind the scenes. Middletwin can do this for your group too, please reach out to us on the contact us page and find out how.