Member Types
Member types are very important and are foundational to your group. You MUST have at least one member type for the system to use. By default your account will have a default member type that is free. If you do not have free member types (all members pay some sort of dues) than you need to create the member types that you do have.
Member types are managed in the members area, click on the Member Types icon

- Member types have the following attributes
- Label: the name of the member type
- Price: the annual cost of the member type
- Can Purchase: if the member type can be purchased by the public
- Can add Portal logins: all member with this type can add additional child members through the member portal
- Anniversary Type: if the member type renews on an anniversary date
- Anniversary Date: the date the anniversary membership renews on
To create a new member type (rare: usually done when setting up account) click on the Add member type button

Enter a name, description, and price for the membership. If your group allows members to purchase this membership type, turn on (green and to the right) the toggle for “Can be Purchased”. Member types that have “Can be Purchased” enabled will appear as selections in the sign up section of the member portal.
Note: an example of a member type that cannot be purchased (comp, free, board member, etc...)
The “Members can add others” setting, when enabled, will allow the member to access a settings section where they can add and remove additional logins to the member portal. These additional logins are considered to be “child” logins and not full memberships. It is up to you and your group if you want to allow members with this membership type to be able to perform this function.
Annual Renewal
The types of memberships your group offers is very important here. If your group has everyones anniversary/expiration date on the same day every year, then you want to turn on (green and to the right) the toggle for “Annual renewal” AND select the month/day of that renewal.
New Member Rules

New member rules only applies to new members joining the club from the member portal. A new member rule is used to apply an extension (in months) or price adjustment to a membership if they renew after a certain date. The example above would be for memberships that all renew on January 1, but if anyone joins the club after August 20 they would get an additional 12 months added to their membership because they are joining late in the year.
If you use new member rules, you need to define 1 rule for every month.

This is an example of a rule setup that tells the system that anyone who joins AFTER August 20 will have an extension of 12 months added to their membership, members that join before August 20 will not. All members that join in August will pay $20.
It is strongly recommended that you do not remove a member type once it is used by multiple members. Doing so will cause problems for any members that are associated with the member type. Instead try to edit existing member types if you need to make changes.