Managing Tags
Tags are a way to group members together by something they have in common. For example in a car club you might have multiple members that are interested in a specific type/brand of car, you can create a tag with that brand name (ie Tesla) and assign that tag to each member that is interested in that.
Tags can later be used to send targeted communications, mailings, etc…
To view tags click on the “Tags” tab in the Members area.

The list of tags will contain the tag text and the count of how many members the tag is associated with. To create a new Tag click on the create button.
Note: You can also create tags in the member details view
You can search the tags by the tag text.
In the member details view
In the member details view is where you add/remove tags from members. In order to do this go to your members list, find the member you are interested in adding a tag to or removing a tag from, and click on that members row (not the check box on the left).
In the member detail scroll down to the “Tags” section or click “Tags” on the left to jump to that section.

Just click on the tag in the pill shaped bubble to associate that tag with the member. A check mark will appear by the tag. Click again to dis-associate the tag. Click the “Save member” button to save the changes.
If you want to add a new tag click on the “+Add tag” above the dialog to open the Add tag dialog

In the text field at the top of the dialog type in some of the text of the label of the tag you want to associate and click the “Save tag” button when done.
Remember to click the “Save member” button save the tag changes to the member.