Middletwin is the premiere platform for clubs to use to manage their membership, events, and communications. With this latest update, available today, Middletwin makes tracking and managing credit card purchases super easy, and now you can also refund credit card transactions.
Lets face it, sometimes accidental credit card purchases happen, weather is a duplicate charge or an accidental purchase, or whatever the case might be, they happen. With this latest update club administrators with admin, finance, or membership management permission, can easily issue a credit card refund with the click of a button.
Middletwin uses Stripe for all our credit card processing, and Stripe will also handle the refund processing. Refunds typically take 5-10 days to process, and the Middletwin club will not incur any additional fees for the refund processing, but will still be responsible for the original fees associated with the initial purchase.
To learn more about Middletwin you can sign up today for a demo here https://www.middletwin.com/demo-signup/, or signup for a free trial here, https://app.middletwin.com/signup.