If you use classes for your event, you will have the ability to have voting. Voting works by creating a ballot with all the classes on the ballot and a place to write in the registration number that someone wants to vote for. Once voting is completed and you have collected all the ballots you can have one or more people with an administrator login (can be the same login) that has the “Ballot Manager” permission enabled. This will allow the user to access the Ballot app.

When the ballot app loads it will display a list of the events in the system. Select the event row (not the checkbox in the left most column) to access the ballot for that event.
A panel will slide open on the right side of the view with the classes and a text box by each class

And at the bottom of the screen will be some floating buttons

Ballots can be easily entered by typing in the number for a class and hitting enter will bring the focus to the next class entry field. When done click the “Submit Ballot” button. Note that if you enter in a registration number that does not exists, the system will accept it without reporting any information about that. It is just ignored. The system is designed that way to allow for quick entry.
When done the person entering the ballots can click the “X” at the top or the “Back” button in the floating buttons to close the panel
To see the voting results, someone with “Event Manager” permissions can go to the Events app, open the event details, and in the middle pane click on “Results”

The top 10 registrations in each class will be displayed with the number of votes and the first column, registration name, registration information and registration number.